Iqui Balam Heredia Marin

Resume PDF


  • B.S. in Mechatronics Engineering, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico, Graduation Date: June 2022, GPA 98/100.

  • La Universidad de la Habana, Cuba, Study Abroad June 2018, GPA: 5/5.

Work Experience

  • Research Intern Harvard Medical School
    • Working with Fetal Magnetic Reasonance Imaging developing a novel model for fetal brain region segmentation using Deep Learning.
    • Supervisor: Dr. Im Kiho
  • Robotics Institute Summer Scholar (RISS) at Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, MA, USA) Python (May – August 2021)
    • Interactive Algebra Interface. Develop a platform where students can learn algebra while interacting with mathematical functions using a glove.
    • The processing is done using OpenCV for filtering and image processing and PyGame for rendering.
    • Published in RISS PDF.
  • DeAcero, Research and Development Intern, (Monterrey, NL, Mexico), Python / R, February – July 2021
    • Develop solutions to have a better performance in a couple of processes.
    • I developed data acquisition and analysis in real-time using a Raspberry Pi connected to a PLC of a galvanized wire production line.
    • I proposed a Six Sigma analysis in R and data processing using some python libraries such as Pandas.
  • On Campus Job, Research Intern (Monterrey, NL, Mexico) Python August 2020 – July 2021
    • We developed an autonomous robot to help secure safe social distance between people on campus focused on the current COVID pande mic.
    • I developed the computer vision algorithm based on multiple Deep Neural Networks using TensorFlow as a framework; and YoloV4 a nd Res10 as architectures.
  • National Instruments, Engineering Intern (Monterrey, NL, Mexico) , C / MATLAB /Simulink , February – May 2020
    • Automotive embedded project to develop the GG-AWES technology based on wind energy generated with an autonomous drone connected to a motor on the ground.
    • I mainly worked on Simulink-MATLAB simulations of the drone flight, developing a 3-DOF nonlinear analysis, testing it with multiple possible scenarios, and C code deployment in a MATEK F765 flight computer.
  • Qualtia Alimentos, Digital Transformation Intern (Monterrey, NL, Mexico), C++ , January – February 2020
    • Quality control of meat pieces before and after a process. To track the efficiency and well performance of the process I designed a volume measurement algorithm using a 3D camera.
    • We developed a useful prototype for future in-plant implementation.
  • Mitacs Globalink Research Intern at McMaster University (Hamilton, ON, Canada), C++, May – August 2019
    • Collaborative Robot Arm Software Development. Point cloud processing using Point Cloud Library (PCL) and OpenCV to segment a hand for gesture recognition for human-robot interaction.
    • Trained a Machine Learning model with features from the hand (volume, area, convexity, circularity) achieving more than 90% of precision in the predictions.


  • Python Programming
  • C++ Programming
  • Deep Learning architectures
  • 3D Vision Systems (Kinect V1, Kinect V2, Intel Realsense)
  • Rapid Prototyping Manufacturing (Laser cut, 3d print)
  • Computer Aided Design/Drawing (SolidWorks, Fusion 360, ProE)
  • Matlab Programming (Matlab and Simulink)
  • ROS Capability
  • Embedded Systems Capability


Service and leadership

  • President of Sustaingineering Tec (Monterrey, NL, Mexico) November 2018 – November 2019
    • Student engineering team with 15 members that designs, develops, and deploys sustainable technology solutions for renewable energy applications in remote and developing communities.
    • We designed an intelligent charge controller MPPT for higher energy efficiency of a isolated Solar Panel System.
  • Active member of RoBorregos at ITESM, Campus Monterrey. November 2017 – Present
    • School team with active participation in Robotics national and international competitions. Contributing to our community by improving technological development.
    • I have participated in different robotics competitions inside and outside Mexico.
  • Awarded with Gallagher Scholarship May 2017
    • This scholarship gives the opportunity to 5 students all over Mexico, each year, to access a full tuition scholarship at ITESM, Campus Monterrey.