AlgeGloves: An Interactive Algebra Interface That Allows Students to Mold Algebraic Functions

Published in Robotics Institute Summer Scholar’ Working Papers Journals, 2021

Iqui Balam Heredia Marin, Melisa Orta Martinez



Math is often presented as an abstract, procedural discipline in which both teacher and student have a firm belief that proficiency is due to fixed innate ability. English learners and minority students are especially vulnerable to these misconceptions as they often face further discrimination and fewer resources and support. However, evidence has shown that most students are capable of excelling in and enjoying math, but not enough interactive tools are provided for them. In this paper we present AlgeGloves, an interactive software interface that elevates the understanding of mathematics language by providing embodied non-verbal representations of math concepts. We have developed a software interface which allows students to center mathematics around exploration. Using a color detection algorithm coupled with the user wearing colored gloves, we can detect users’ movements and allow them to manipulate mathematical functions as if they were manipulating clay. Results show an intuitive interface, that can be controlled to solve proposed exercises, experimenting with algebra trough hand movement.